Friday, July 01, 2005

My wonderful wife

This is a pic I did of my wife with her pet a while ago...

ps. that's a plane in the background.


RT said...

Oh! I thought it was an ant! You guys must have really good eyes...


(Sorry I can't say more. Jenn'll yell at me again :p )

boko said...

It was supposed to be a plane skywriting...

Anonymous said...

Liv, when did I yell at you? WHY did I yell at you? Damn, did you give me "the boo?"

Boko! Your wife is hot, hot, hot. I'd been wondering what she looked like.

And where the hell do you get a pet like that? I want one. It seems like it would keep those unwanted guests away.

boko said...

Hey Jenn!
the boo?? HAHA
that's cute

She is definitely hot! but my dodgy pic doesn't do her justice...

Martin said...

Thankfully that leash looks tight.