Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Tuesday makes me want to...

Slack is my middle name at the moment. I think I need a holiday on a deserted beach somewhere. With beer...yes...lot's of beer.


Anonymous said...

Dude! I just got stared at and then they said, "What is she laughing at? Because of what I said?" I absolutely LOVE these! I know I've loved all of them, but I'm gonna have to put these in the top 3. Too awesome! Boko, you rock!

boko said...

I love that you love them. Thankyou for the comments. You said you had some scary blog stuff happen?? hope it wasn't to bad.
p.s You ROCK!
p.p.s Awesome photo

Anonymous said...

Haha! Scary blog stuff = stupid people acting like kids. Even me for a minute. Damn me!

P.S No, YOU rock!
P.P.S Aww, thank you! You're too sweet.